Shoot 8 final image analysis imageShoot 8 final image analysis image
This is my favourite image from this shoot. I went to Radford Castle in Plymstock to create these photos. This image was influenced and symbolises the myth of the young girl that died in Hooe lake. I made the image black and white but also very grainy to show my interpretation of the girl at the time she died. In this photo you can see the castle in the background of where she lived before she died. Then in the foreground is my interpretation of the young girl stood out the front of the castle. This was a real event that occurred in the 18th century. The most important thing in the image is the figure, this is due to the photo being based around the girl dying. The colour black and white convey the time at which the photo was shot. This piece was produced by using long exposure, I adjusted the shutter speed to 180 seconds and changed the aperture to F/8 to let some light in to make the castle visible in the background. I used a torch to create an outline of the figure and also shone a torch from behind the castle to lighten up the castle. When editing this image I cropped out the steel door on the right hand side of the image because the light was reflecting off the door which made the door the main focus of the image. By getting rid of this the figure was the main focus which is what I wanted. The mood and feeling of this image is very eerie and non welcoming. This has been achieved by the figure having a ghost like look about it. Overall I think this image worked well and has influenced me to work on another myth and legend in my next shoot.