Radford house myth imageRadford house myth image
The most popular ghost is that of the White Lady of Radford. No one seems to know her origin but word has it that she was one of several girls living at Radford in the 18th century. It is said that she made friends with a local boy from nearby Oreston, but her parents forbade her to see him because of his lowly rank. However, she left the house (with the help of a maid servant) intent on disregarding her parent’s wishes. As was her habit, she always wore white in the summer and so it was on this particular day when she met the young man. They took the boat across the lake which capsized drowning both of them. Some say she has been seen sitting beside the lake and others have seen her in the grounds looking for her lost love. For this shoot I will use the light to create a white lady. I will shoot this with her sitting beside the lake or her walking across the grounds.