Ansel Adams was an American landscape photographer best known for his iconic images of the American West, including Yosemite National Park. When he shot his photographs he was well known for taking his photos in black and white, when taking his landscape photos he would take photos of mountains. He was known for taking his photos during the 1900's. His work inspires me because his photos are shooted in very exotic places across the country. When taking my images I will shoot in colour and then use Photoshop to change the image to black and white. Adams and Fred Archer developed the Zone System as a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print. The resulting clarity and depth characterized his photographs. He primarily used large-format cameras because the large film used with these cameras (primarily 5×4 and 8×10) contributed to the clarity of his prints. So I will attempt his techniques to see if the images will be successful.
Ansel Adams artist research imageAnsel Adams artist research imageAnsel Adams artist research image