shoot 3 final images  imageshoot 3 final images  image
These were the two most successful photos from my 3nd shoot. the first photo works really well because the main focus of the photo is the words. this is because I made the background very dark so the words would stand out. I did this by changing the hue and saturation. I also changed the brightness and contrast to give more edge to the words. to improve this image I could make the photo more realistic by changing the shade of blue to a lighter and not so harsh colour. I like this image because I wanted to explore light and colour, If this photo was to be in black and white it will give a more scary and frightening feeling whereas it has bright colours it gives the image a different feeling.

The second image was took in a subway where it was very bright and colourful. when editing this image I decided to change the colour and make it more dark and gloomy. this changed the perception of the image from a bright subway to a mysterious subway. I feel this worked well as it gave the picture a different feeling with the girl stood in the centre of the subway with everything else surrounding her. this made her the focus point of the image. to change the perception of this image I could brighten it up and have a man walking through in a suit showing its his way to and from work showing a different kind of meaning to the photo. These images where in the style of James Grundy who was an urban photographer who captured different images and changed perceptions. With my next shoot I am going to explore lighting and different colours again, I am going to experiment with light painting and long exposure, I will do this by looking at Michael Bosanko's and litchfaktors photography.