shoot 5 analysis and final image image
I feel this shoot wasn't as good as it could of been, this was due to the gale force winds which was making the tripod move whilst I was trying to create the images. This caused the images to be slightly blurry. But to make the most out of these images I have blurred the background to make it seem like it was meant to be blurred. When creating this final image it was pitch black but I changed the aperture to 5 to let as much light in as possible. If I was to keep this image as dark as possible you wouldn't be able to see the blur as much. This is why when editing I changed the photo to black and white and then kept the man as a blue light. This shows the contrast between the two different colours and how the man stands out and catches the eye of the image. In the planning stage I said I was going to try with a thin light source and a thick light source, after completing this I have decided that the thin torch is much better because it gives more definition and baldness to the man. I am going to reshoot this shoot when there is no wind to stop the possibility of blur. This shoot I used a small tripod which was moving slightly causing the images to be blurry so when I reshoot I will use a bigger tripod which is much heavier and will not move when shooting the photos. This is how I will improve this shoot and have better outcomes.