This is my final outcome and overall I feel like it was very successful. First of all I printed of the plans I was going to use so then I knew the correct measurements and cardboard thickness. To create this I used 2mm thick cardboard because I used slightly thicker cardboard before but it was struggling to bend and stick together. So the 2mm cardboard was the thinnest I could use. At first the man I created was about 6 inches tall but this was too big for the inside of the camera. So I decided to make another man who was 3-4 inches tall so then he didn't look to big for the photograph inside. I used the man because in my light painting photos before he was the main focus of the image. So I made him out of wire as this is the closest thing that represents the strands of light in the images.  I changed my idea of the photograph inside as the landscape did not look as effective as the dark mysterious tunnel. With this picture there are two lights that are edging towards the front of the image, I thought that it would work best if I put a light at the top of the image that couldn't been seen. So when I turn the light on the man lights up and creates shadows surrounding him. I found that this worked very well. 

I created the lense and the camera separately, I tried sticking them together through using the hot glue gun but this was unsuccessful and kept coming apart. So I came up with the idea of using velcro straps which would keep the camera together. When painting the lense I decided to paint it black and then silver so the camera didn't get washed out with too much black. For the actual lense I painted on a lense so then the photo isn't just black. Overall I found that this was very successful as the idea came from me taking photos and using light trails. To improve this final piece I would have the mage inside slightly darker to create a more scary environment, but I couldn't do this as the printer was not printing it off as dark as I would like. But overall I think this is a very successful final piece