These three photos were my favourite images from the shoot. This was my first shoot in the style of Dan's Holdsworth and Ansel Adams co-ordinated together. I went out and found local tunnels and subways that could show different meanings by changing the scenes of the image. The first photo shows a teenager who is isolated from the world and feels lost. When I edit this photo I'm going to convert it to black and white and make it dark but have the lights shining. With this photo I could of taken it from a range of different angles to make the boy look bigger or smaller. By making the boy smaller it would represent him being lost in such a big world, but if I made him bigger it could portray him as someone who everyone is scared of for example a bully.

I feel the second image once again shows someone who is isolated from society due to them being on their own in the tunnel. If there was more than one person it could portray a gang. By changing anything in the scene it will change the perception of the image which I want to do. This shows the different aspects of an image that I as the photographer have to take into account. Overall I like this image due to the strong composition and the graffiti in the background. To make this image better I could of added more people as said before to create a different atmosphere.

The third image as the same as the other ones show someone who is isolated from the world. I like how the image is blurred and is only focused on the ground. This shows the man is always in the background and forgot about. If the focus was on the man it would show he is important. Overall I think this shoot went well. The images show how people can be isolated from society and not everyone realises.