For this next shoot I am going to look into myths, legends and history of Plymouth. This first shoot will be around a legend that was based in the Royal William Yard. Numerous legends claim the Royal William Yard to be haunted by a whole load of ghosts. Over recent years, the yard has been under renovation, so reports of paranormal activity have flooded in. People regularly claim to hear the sound of cattle walking along the cobbled stone floor. They say that ghostly figures can be seen walking the old buildings in naval uniforms. But they can only be seen from the outside of the buildings, through the windows. Within the site, many doors are known to open and close by themselves as if by magic. As these doors are very heavy, we can certainly rule out the wind as a cause. For this shoot I will use the man that I have been drawing to show a ghostly like figure in the photos.
myths and legends imagemyths and legends image