This is going to be my final outcome. To create this I printed off the plans to then sculpt the camera. The cardboard I used was 2mm thick so then the cardboard could bend easy. I had to use 10 sheets of card to create this. I created the lense and the camera separately, I used a hot glue gun to stick together the cardboard and then painted the camera to the colours that best suited it. The inside of the camera will have a photo in the background which I have decided will be a subway as this best suits the man standing in it, I chose to steer away from the landscapes as it didn't work very well. After creating this I decided to make another man which is much smaller so then he fits perfectly into the monitor of the camera. The other man was too big and took up way to much room. Above where the picture is going to be im going to stick a light to the roof of the monitor to light the image and the man up. This will give a shadow effect on the image and man. I drawn on a lense at the front of the camera with paint to make it look like an actual lense instead of it just being black. I decided to use silver on the camera to not black out the camera. This give it contrasts between each colour.